City Website Traffic

Returning Visits on Mobile Device

The website for the City of Covington is visited by people from all over the United States, and world. With the help of Google Analytics, the City is able to monitor all of the website pages and gain insights into visitor activity, such as the number of visitors, most viewed pages, device types, and much more. In Figure 1, for example, we can see where returning visits to the City of Covington website on a mobile device originated by state and city in the last 100 days. [Read More]

Taxable Property Additions

Residential/Commerical Property

Each year the City of Covington receives a tax assessment report from the Kenton County Property Value Administrator that determines the taxable value of real property in the City, specifically for the purpose of levying and collecting tax money that is used to support the community. Included in the report is a record of taxable additions to property. The additions, basically, represent economic investment through the development of new property or through the enhancement of existing property. [Read More]

CovConnect Registrations

As of July, 2022

Covington Connect is an aggressive effort to smash the digital divide in Covington by expanding access to free public Wi-Fi throughout much of the City. Covington Connect is a collaborative effort involving the City of Covington, Cincinnati Bell, the Housing Authority of Covington (HAC), Covington Independent Public Schools, Renaissance Covington, local computer firms Blair Technology Group and ReGadget, and Comp-U-Dopt, a Houston-based non-profit organization. Phase I of the project began in 2018 with setting up 22 Wi-Fi hotspots that created zones of connectivity in the downtown area. [Read More]